People > Process > Systems
Business Predictability
LOKK exists to empower service-based businesses and organizations with clear, structured systems that streamline operations, reduce chaos, and foster growth. By building well-defined processes, we enhance team satisfaction, enabling employees to confidently perform their roles, and leaders to feel secure in their team’s success. Our goal is to create a foundation for sustainable success where businesses and their people thrive through operational excellence.
Kristin Johnson
LOKK Founder and Lead Operations & Systems Specialist
I graduated from culinary school and transitioned straight into corporate America, where I discovered a passion for organization, project management, human resources, and administrative management. Over the past 20 years, as both an employee and an independent contractor, I’ve come to understand the critical importance of systems, processes, and clear instructions in achieving success.
I’ve experienced the frustrations of being held accountable for outcomes without the tools or resources to succeed, seen small businesses struggle to scale due to a lack of proper operating systems, and even faced challenges in my own ventures when processes weren’t well-documented or functional. These experiences taught me that success lies not just in having systems but in creating in-depth, detailed, and repeatable processes for every aspect of work.
With this understanding, I’ve leveraged my experience, gained new skills, and continuously refined my approach to help organizations build efficient and sustainable systems. My goal is to help you streamline your core processes so your business and team can operate smoothly and effectively, setting the foundation for long-term growth.